Thursday, November 02, 2006

Seafood Population Depleted by 2048, Study Finds

By 2048 it is possible that the world will no long have seafood if we keep consuming this delicious treat at today's rates. The reasons that contribute to this decline are over population, pollution, and other environmental factors. This is harming the ability of the ocean to produce an adequate amount of healthy sea creatures. Boris Worm, a marine biologist at Canada's Dalhousie University stated "It's within our lifetime. Our children will see a world without seafood if we don't change things."

In 2003 14 researchers came to the conclusion that 29 percent of all fished species had shrunk, and the rate of population decline has increased in recent years, it was discovered that fishing industries harvest 7,784 species commercially. The National Fisheries Institute, which represents seafood producers and suppliers, stated that there was still plenty of the main seafood produce demanded available; they also commented that they would be able to meet the demand through the use of fish farms. People are not keen on this idea because why should people pay more to get fish from a farm, in past years the ocean has provided for free?

What are your views on the decline of seafood produce? Do you believe the decrease in seafood will cause suppliers to exit the seafood market in the short-run, long-run, both, or not at all? How do you think we as consumers could solve this problem?

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