Thursday, November 02, 2006

Attention Men: The hidden risks of cell phone use

Cell phone use, already blamed for increasing the risk of car accidents, is now being blamed for increasing the risk of male infertility. A study performed between September 2004 and October 2005 in Cleveland, New Orleans, and Mumbai, India revealed that "heavy cell phone use may contribute to a reduced sperm count and less viable sperm." Of the 364 men involved in the study, the men who used their cell phones for more than four hours each day were far more likely to have sperm viability issues which could in turn cause problems with their fertility. More research is needed, however, to determine if it is actually the radiation emitted from the cell phone that reduces a man's sperm count, or simply the battery heat of the cell phone when it is in a man's pants pocket that does the damage.

Do you think that the threat of a reduced sperm count will motivate men to spend less time talking on their cell phones? What effect might this news have on cell phone companies' profits?

Additionally, considering how widespread cell phone use is today, is the following formula reasonable in the long run?

Increase in cell phone use → decrease in male fertility → lower birthrate → fewer new consumers (people) being produced → decrease in demand for goods (population is a demand shifter) → economic recession

Just think of the implications!>1=8808

1 comment:

Nick Springer said...

I use a cell phone for about one minute a dady on average. I don't think that i have any problem with becoming infertile. I do know a lot of people that use their cell phones way too much, but I don't think that this will scare them much. If there is more research on this topic though, there very well might be fewer people that use them, but I don't think that it will lead to lower birthrate.