Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Class Experiment Comes to Life

On Monday of this past week, we did an experiment concerning emissions for factories, cars and utilities. In California, the Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger and the state government have passed a bill that requires factories to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2012. Not only do factories have to reduce their emissions, but so do half the cars and light trucks in the state registered. Half the cars and “light trucks” in the state must use alternative fuel sources besides gas by the 2020.
Is this a smart idea by the state of California? If other states do not pass similar bills, one has to wonder if companies and businesses will be able to compete with competitors in other states that do not have to obey this costly law. Sure, passing a bill that will reduce total greenhouse gasses and emissions is a noble bill, but do you think that California can cut back their emissions at a great cost and still compete with the rest of the country?

1 comment:

JP Clift said...

You bring up a valid point. California may take a hit from having to cut back on fuel emissions making it harder for them to keep up with the rest of the country. However by doing so, it will provide a cleaner world for everyone else to live in. It is the problem of us free-riders who are making the problem worse. I disagree that by cutting back fuel emissions from cars and light trucks will have much of any impact though… If California wants to clean up pollution by cleaning up the automotive industry, it should target the biggest polluters such as large trucks and SUVs, not the light trucks and cars who make little pollution.