Sunday, March 27, 2005

Wal-Mart Lawsuit

I love talking about Walmart as most of you know. Recently the monster chain did something illegal, yes really! They had a contract with a company that hires janitors to clean their stores. To cut costs the company hired Illegal immigrants to work after hours when the store closed. Many of these employees were paid lower then minimum wage and were treated inhumanly. They would lock them in the store while they cleaned until the next day when they open for the day.

1 comment:

Morgan K said...

soo.. we can all see that Andy is heartless and would do anything for a buck. Today, I work a job where I make a little over minimum wage, and I know that I would not be able to pay all my bills, eat, and have clothes on my back, much less a family, if this was my high point in life. Working for less than minimum wage does not add up in savings, it piles up the bills and debt. Being that walmart is a multi-billion dollar industry, I'm most certain they would be able to pay their employees min-wage, and not suffer much of anything in their losses.