Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Big Breakfast at Burger King

The number one fast food chain has just created one of its highest calorie sandwiches yet. Burger King will now be selling an egg omelet sandwich that has more calories than a Whopper. This sandwich will contain 730 calories and 47 grams of fat. Burger King’s main competitor, McDonalds, does not have this type of breakfast sandwich, so this new item may give Burger King a competitive edge.

Analysts believe that this new menu feature will be a success; however, I am skeptical. With new diet fads and movies like “Super Size Me”, it is hard to believe that people will continue to contaminate their bodies with these unnecessary calories. This breakfast meal alone will account for nearly all the grams of fat that an average person is supposed to eat in one day, let alone just one meal. Even if this new item is a hit for Burger King, is it worth it for people to take the health risk involved in eating such harmful food?

1 comment:

Morgan K said...

I agree, this sandwhich will not give BK the competitive edge that they are seeking... at least, not as strong of an edge that I'm sure they are after. Todays world is becoming more and more aware of their weight, and do not want to be out done by the next person. As compared to other sandwhiches, I dont' see a 730 calorie sandwhich doing so well in todays health concious market.