Thursday, March 17, 2005

Steroids Goes to Congress

Today March 17, 2005 will go down in infamy for Major League Baseball. Players, past and present, owners, the commisioner, and managers where all called to Washington D.C. to testify infront of Congress about the steroid problem in baseball. Congress called all the people to here different tesitmonies. Some big names were Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmiero, Bud Selig, and many others. Congress heard testimonies and spoke about the problem. Some delegates are pushing for harsher penalties regarding a positive test for steroids. The big testimony was Jose Canseco. He was not granted immunity so he could not testify to the fullest extent because he would have been imprisioned. McGwire also did not answer most of questions for the same reason as Caonseco. What do you think this hearing has done for baseball? What do you think Congress should do about the steroid ploicy in baseball presently.

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