Sunday, March 27, 2005

Family Wonders if Prozac Prompted School Shootings

Jeff Weise, the teenager that killed nine people, and then himself, was taking Prozac. He began taking Prozac, an antidepressant, after a suicide attempt. According to his aunt, Tammy Lussier, "They kept upping the dose for him, and by the end, he was taking three of the 20 milligram pills a day. I can't help but think it was too much, that it must have set him off." Doctors typically put patients betweent 20 and 80 milligrams of Prozac a day. Weise was taking 60, which is considered normal. However, when looking through history at different shootings, there have been several instances when the shooter had been taking Prozac, Luvox, and Zoloft as antidepressants. It is still unclear as to whether the medicine was the cause of these shootings. Just something to think about, could antidepressants be the wrong medicine for some people?

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