Sunday, March 20, 2005

Bad News

According to a statement made by the International Monetary Fund's Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato, the price of oil is expected to stay high for at least two years. He did say that the current levels will not last through out, but the prices will be higher due to "demand pressures and certain supply constraints." Even though the article doesn't say it, that seems to say that developed and developing countries are demanding more oil, and OPEC among other things are limiting the supply. No big surprises there. High fuel prices are obviously bad news. My question is, with an almost guarantee of high fuel prices, do you just accept, and pay it, or does it make you take a second look at some of the hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles that are available? Many people have said that car companies will lose money on their hybrid research, but with continued high prices, and the very attractive gas mileage of the hybrids, will this create a surge in demand for these alternative fuel vehicles?

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