Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bush Approval Reaches New Low

As of Friday, March 26, President Bush's approval rating has hit it's lowest since he has taken office at 45%. Some people believe that this new low point may in part be in response to the disapproval of his intervention in the Terri Schiavo case. Bush is also in the midst of overhauling Social Security, continuing with the situation in Iraq, as well as other various activities. How low does his approval have to get before the citizens of the United States begin to wonder just what is going on here. How far will his approval have to drop for Americans to stand up and say, "what happened to helping America?" While Bush is taking care of his own agenda and helping place like Iraq form a democracy we are losing the democracy we have here in the U.S. While Iraq is gaining benefits and is trying to rebuild their country, Americans are being left out and our economy is spiraling downward. Is this new approval rating a reflection that Americans are starting to notice the problems we have on the homefront or is it just a temporary fluctuation due to the situation with Terri Schiavo? Should Americans be worried or is this just is little bump in the road?

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