Monday, March 28, 2005

The manly stroller

Anything involving wheels is bound eventually to attract the attention of the male of the species. Now, the baby stroller, is beginning to capture the imagination of men in a big way. A generation of strollers with sophisticated enginering, sleek designs and un-nursery-like colors (from black to "racing yellow") has emerged, allowing dads compare notes about wheel suspension and off-road handling with a reverence once reserved for expensive sports cars.
You can buy a stroller for as little as $10, but many of the cool-looking models retail for over $300.
Since the U.S. birth rate is generally flat, the stroller industry can not expect a growth in profit by adjusting the quantity provided. Instead, they develop new high-end models that can be charged very high prices to earn more profits with limited sales. Obviously, the market for strollers is pretty different from perfectly competitive market.

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