Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Millions keep downloading free music

Although much has been done in recent months to stop online piracy of music, a recent study revealed that millions still download music without paying for it. Amazingly, after a few years, Apple Computers just passed the 300 million song mark sold for use in either the iPod or similar MP3 devices. The Pew Internet & American Life Project recently announced that approximately 750 million songs are downloaded illegally each month.

The debate over online trading of music seems to be fueling as the debate over this issue continues. Some even claim that the U.S. economy and the future of the internet itself could be at stake depending on the eventual ruling of MGM v. Grokster. The music industry strongly supports stopping piracy in all forms, claiming that this practice has cost them millions in sales and licensing fees, despite that last year, 817 million units of music were sold (including albums, singles, and digital downloads), a 19% jump in the previous year.

Despite any individual stance on this issue, it is a fact that this case and the eventual conclusion to this issue will have significant ramifications on much more than the music industry and will remain an important economic debate for some time to come.

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