Saturday, March 26, 2005

Terri Schiavo

I have somewhat been following the Terri Schiavo case. I'm not sure if I have an exact opinion on whether she should be kept alive or not, but I do have questions in regard to removing the feeding tube. By just taking away the woman's food source, she is basically just starving to death. Is this really the civil thing to do? Isn't there a way for them to let her die peacefully instead of starving her and letting her whole body dehydrate until she dies? I don't think this is the best thing for people to do in general. What do you think? Would you be ok with starving one of your family members?

1 comment:

chadmcdaniel said...

I don't feel that just pulling the feeding tube out and letting her starve to death was the best move, I agree if they were just going to let her die they should've done it much more humanely. I think it's very interesting that the husband is having her cremated and not letting an audtopsy(sp?) preformed