Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Terrell Owens stupid act

All over Espn and all over the news were reports that Terrell Owens tried to commit suicide. It was reported that he said he was depressed and wanted to hurt himself. The pills he had were for his hand he hurt and reports say he had a prescription for 40 pain pills but only had taken 5 so far. What I don’t really get is why someone so famous and making so much money would be depressed and want to try and kill themselves. I know if I were making that much money for playing football I wouldn’t be trying to kill myself or reporting it as if I tried to kill myself, I wouldn’t want people to think that about me.
This is a website to read more about Terrell Owens and his stupid act

1 comment:

chris carter said...

I have to agree as well. Terrell Owens is just doing it because he is not getting the attention that he wants.