Monday, October 02, 2006

New Law Effects Internet Gambling

In class today we discussed markets that are prohibited by the government, one of these was gambling. In some states glambling is illegal. In others there are restrictions placed on gambling. But what about internet gambling? I discovered this phenomenon was my cousin started playing Poker online. I asked how he paid for it, and he replied, "my credit card." Now, this is completely understandable to me. I mean we can shop online with credit, so why can't we gamble online with credit.

The government, however, has decided to interfere with online gambling. A law was passed that "prohibits the use of credit cards, checks and electronic fund transfers for online gambling transactions." The impact of this decision has had several adverse effects for may companies which run online gambling sites, and even may cause several to shut down. I wonder whether or not the government should have interfered in this sector. What do you think?

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