Monday, December 05, 2005


Throughout the years, it has become common knowledge that teachers are undervalued. Based on an article in Newsweek, the average teacher today makes just under $30,000 per year. This amount of money may seem decent for those coming out of college; but for many who have mortgages and kids; this salary doesn’t pay the bills.

Education creates many positives from society’s perspective. Not only do better educations lead to better jobs for individuals, but they also have positive externalities. People who are educated are more productive. Generally, they have higher paying jobs and a decent standard of living. Because they are able to provide for themselves and have what they need to be successful, these people are probably more willing to give back for the good of society. They are also less likely to take from society (lower crime rates, not on welfare).

If all of this is true, then why are teachers – college educated individuals – paid so little in comparison to others? They are the foundation of our education system. Without good teachers, there would be no need for colleges because students wouldn’t be prepared. Good, higher paying jobs would go elsewhere; they would move to areas with an educated population. This situation could lead to economic recession, and if severe enough, maybe even depression.

Knowing this, why does the education system in the US provide so little of an incentive to teach society’s youth? Would better teachers remain in schools if the pay was higher? Do you think raising the wages of teachers will lead to a better education system, or would it just create an overabundance of teachers and not enough jobs to go around lowering teacher’s salaries even further?

1 comment:

Rita Soworowski said...

I feel like teachers should not be payed more then they are. Take a look at the Marietta College education program! There a lot of very smart students who could become a different profession, but they continue to pay some where around $28,000 a year to come here and get a degree in a field that they know will be a low paying one. We have to look at what type of teacher we are talking about also. When looking at a college professor, we see that they do very well when it comes to salaries. If we look at a elementry teacher, sure they dont make much money, but the teachers feel like it is in their self intrest to stay and work as a teacher instead of giveing up their benefits and their summers off.