Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bush Urges Tax Cuts to Help Stimulate Economy

I found an interesting article in the Washington post titled, "Bush Renews Push for Extending Tax Cuts," in which it reveals Bush's plan to help 'renew' the economy by extending tax breaks to "investment dividends and capital gains." Basically, Bush plans to once again give tax breaks to the investors who are already doing well, in the hope that it will boost the overall economy. Several House representatives- moderate of course, do not condone the decision to approve a bill that would not only give tax breaks to the rich, but would also, "cut people off food stamps, squeeze student lenders, impose new fees on Medicaid recipients and slash federal aid for child-support enforcement." Needless to say that positive sentiments about the overall American economy are not very high, considering the problems this administration has had with national defecit, growing unemployment and unbelievably high gas prices, etc. Despite that fact that employment is steadily growing, gases prices are falling, etc. the gallup poll revealed that "58% feel the economy is gettin worse." Needless to say, not everyone is pleased with the overall job that Mr. Bush is doing for the economic welfare of this country.

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