Thursday, May 04, 2006

NASA hopes moon is made of money

According to this article, NASA in hoping to benefit from the prospect of space travel--most specifically to the moon. Tourism is a major hope, and space tourism has the potential to become a massive industry. NASA already has plans in the works for new spacecrafts, as they plan to retire the shuttle fleet in 2010.

Though these possibilities may seem far off, it seems like we're getting closer to the futuristic images that the Jetsons presented us so long ago. And it looks like there will be a lot of benefits in this. The moon sits as unexplored, undeveloped land, and, should we ever manage to isolate sections of it for inhabitation by humans, there will be so many possibilities in a new market. And I'm sure that the last of people's concerns will be what side of the road they should drive on on the moon.

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