Friday, May 05, 2006

Got a Second? G.E. Has a Quick Message

G.E. and counterpart BBDO have created a 30 minute television show as another venue to reach its consumers. This new efforts of marketing is a non-conventional way for G.E. and BBDO to air television shows to online websites where videos can be seen, such as MySpace. The companies recognize that they are taking a risk and are okay with it, stating that they realize that with new ideas comes risk and possibility for failure.

1 comment:

Joshua S. Walker said...

I think that a lot of companies including media groups are realizing the fast growing world of Internet media. People want their information when they want it, and fast. The numbers of people tuning into broadcast news are diminishing and not only are they turning to cable news, but also to the Internet. It's a trait of America, we want it when we want it, and that's the way the Internet is. The businesses in America can either ignore it or change with the times, and GE as well as other companies is taking advantage of a new business opportunity and venture. Capitalism, oh capitalism!