Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Exxon's Fight for Energy Resources

Rex Tillerson, Exxon's chief executive, commented yesterday that, "There is little lawmakers can do to bring down gas prices, we must work on supply and demand!" There is no way to get consumers to limit or highly decrease their usage of energy in the United States. Instead, there are alternate routes that are being investigated to develop new sources of energy. Exxon is investing over $20 billion over the course of the next 5 years for this particular cause.

Rex also commented that this is a situation that cannot be changed overnight. As the largest American oil company they are fighting to help their customers and the American economy. Suppy and demand fundamentals are of utmost importance in this situation. Oil and other energy sources are high on the demand and it is their job to supply the people with what they need. Although, how easy will it be for them to come up with effective energy sources? Is this a possibility or merely a false hope to quell the worries of Americans for the time being?

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