Thursday, May 04, 2006

Gas prices up. So are Scams

This is an interesting article. Because the gas prices are climbing to a wonderful $3 a gallon, many people are looking into other ways to save on gas. There are a lot of products out there such as fans and magnetic materials that say they have been EPA approved when all that could really mean is that they have paperwork from the manufacturer and tested saying that it is not anymore harmful to the environment. That does not necessarily mean that it works. There is a site posted in this article which tells what products HAVE been tested and approved by the EPA showing they do work. So while you are running around with your head cut off trying to find other ways to save money with gas prices so high, be smart about it and have logic, products may "sound" good but that's all it is. Think twice this summer.

1 comment:

Claire Reintgen said...

In all seriousness, these scam artists that are falsly advertising products that claim to save you money on gas are very economically savvy. They recognize that ever with gas prices rising, the demand in the US is hardly effected at all. It takes alot for Americans to give up thier right to personal transportation. The companies are only taking advantage of the fact that demand is high and indivually, Americans are willing to do some pretty silly things to draw the price down.