Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mardi Gras to fatten New Orleans tourism

The time for Mardi Gras comes every year and it has arrived this year even though Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. The festivities continued and the tourists came to celebrate. $200 million was expected to be earned to help recover economics. Most tourist attractions were open for the festivity even though some were not. The attractions that were not open, plan to be open in the Spring or beginning of the Summer and will bring more tourists. Hotels and restaraunts were opened up to accommadate the tourists coming in.
People were going to celebrate Mardi Gras just like every other year, but while they were there they got to see just how terrible a loss there was that these people are dealing with. Comments were made about them not realizing how disastorous the hurricane was until they saw for themselves. I think it's good that Mardi Gras still continued in New Orleans because it is giving families who live there hope that things will be alright. Now there is more money coming in to help the people set up places like hospitals and schools that they need for everyday living. It's sad that they did not expect the outcome that normally arrives for them. The number of people showing up and the profits were lower but the fact that people still showed up and the money is going to good use is wonderful. Zenny

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