Wednesday, March 08, 2006

eastern asia are stealing from us

If you own a business or a corporation experts are strongly advising you to register your brands/trademarks in China because of "trademark squatting". "Trademark squatting" is when someone else takes your name (as a company) or product and use it as their own. Opportunists in China can make loads of money by registering well-known U.S and international brands in their own country. There was a U.K company that went to register their tradmarks in China but found out that they have already been registered, which isn't illegal in China. For years this company in the U.K have been losing money because some else registered their trademarks and have making money by using their ideas/product. Owen Smigelski, an intellectual property attorney with San Diego-based Achtel Law firm, strongly suggest brand-holders to immediately file their trademark in countries that trademark squatting have been taking place. It only cost under a $1000 to register a trademark, which makes it very inexpensive for a group or person to steal your trademark.

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