Saturday, January 29, 2005

Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research is a highly debated topic right now. The main arguements against this research is that using an unborn fetus is unethical and also that this is a step closer to cloning humans. But with all of the recent research, there are alternatives to using embryonic stem cells. One alternative is adult stem cells. These are stem cells taken from the bone marrow of adults, they may not be as usefuly as embryonic stem cells, but they aren't taken from aborted fetus' either. Another alternative to this is an 'ethical embryo' which has been created by British Scientists. In addition, these cannot be contraversial because they dont involve and unborn fetus, and these cannot form actual humans. I think that stem cell research is something that needs to be government funded because it has the potential to cure so much. Bottom line is that I feel that Stem Cell Research has nothing but positive potentials. I'd like to see what other people think about this particular topic.

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