Sunday, January 30, 2005

Cost of Technology, But Is It Worth It?

At what price do we pay for the latest technology? We are people of fast moving times. We want everything quick and easy, but at what cost? We have computers that we rely heavily on for entertainment, work, school, and contacting others. Is it worth it though? Computers are always getting a virus, and a person always has to worry about indentity fraud online, hackers, and computer crashes. We share and burn things that we don't pay for. The advancement in technology has really took a big chunk of profit from the entertainment world. Most importantly, by us continuing to advance in technology and making things quicker and easier to access, are we damaging ourselves? Is it good to have the internet for your child to do homework, if after they get done with their homework they can access porn? Is that an even trade? Is all this money we are putting into technology really helping us and our economy? Is it really important to have a camera phone? The demand for the latest technology is out of hand, and what we are willing to pay for it as consumers is crazy.
I feel that "we" the consumers of technology determine the cost of it. How much we demand of the newest gadget to make our lives simpler, determines how much we pay for it. We shouldn't have to pay top dollar for a cell phone because in has a two-way installed in it. We should not be demanding new technology just because we have it. We lose out when we do that, we don't get our money's worth. For example we should pay top dollar for a phone that will get us the best plan and the best service. Simple case of convince vs. quality.

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