Sunday, January 30, 2005

Election In Iraq

The election in Iraq took place on Sunday and there was a lot greater of a turn out then many officials expected. Unofficially there was a 72% turnout. There were many threats from terrorist groups saying that they were going to fill the streets with the blood of the voters. Although over two dozen people were killed and 71 were wounded, an extensive security plan prevented more terrorist attacks from happening. Some Iraqis waited up to an hour just to vote. People who were disabled were pushed in carts to vote. This just shows that people in Iraq want democracy and freedom.

I believe that with the election taking place with success in Iraq, it is a big step in the process of rebuilding Iraq. Many people thought that this election wouldn't go through and many people think that Iraq can't be rebuilt. So I think this should open the eyes of the people who don't believe that Iraq can be rebuilt.

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