Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Unemployment with Overpopulation

Bangladesh has a huge population of over 140 million people, which is still continuing to grow despite the efforts of population control. Nearly one third of the population, at present, are below the age of fifteen. These young ones are about to enter the job maket which means that about 50 million will be looking for employment. There has been some new employment creation in the country: the present average rage of annual economic growth is about 6 per cent which may not be enough to creat jobs on the needed scale causing unemployment or a surplus of workers.
The government's Youth Development Directorate trained only about 2.7 million of the youth for different vocations during the last twenty five years. This is a rather poor performance against the need. Government needs to expand their funds over to training to train more youth to help with economic growth devjelopment of the country. Many unskilled or untrained workers are paid less and do not succeed well in foreign job markets which means that the government should create facilities for workers to acquire skill training in diverse areas.
What do you think government should do?


David Bright said...

Maybe the government should invest in human capital for those getting ready to enter the workforce. An increase in the number of college graduates will increase Bangledesh's investment in human capital. This investment could possibly help the economic conditions, standard of living, and increase technology. Encouraging kids to go to college would decrease the amount of people in the workforce.

Rita Soworowski said...

I think the government of Bangladesh should encourage the people to start small businesses. For example one could weave baskets or grow crops. If more people would do this there would be jobs made. The problem is several poor people can not keep food on the plate let a lone afford the tools to start growing crops or making objects to sell. There is a bank in Bangladesh called the Grameen Bank where micro lending to the poor is possible. The bank will loan a small amount of money, about 50 to 100 dollars, so someone can buy the tools to start a small business. Then the loan is paid back with the profits made. This gives the person a chance to have a real job. I think if more people believed in the micro leading process employment would rise not just in Bangladesh but in other third world countries also.

JoshOffy said...

One way of fixing the problem is enforce the population control regulations or create better population control laws. The simple fact of the matter is, we need less people on the earth. I know it isn't fair to say one child per house hold, but honestly if it's not done sometime soon more poverty and starvation will arise. Although the government stepping in and trying to better train people could be a possibility it could also hurt the economy. If too much money is put into the effort or if the outcome isn't as great as the government planed then it good have a negative effect also. Perhaps it would be better to create more low education jobs in the area. Have larger corporations move in with industry's that need a lot of human capital, but not much education. However, nothing would help more then a cut on population growth. Will the world as a whole ever be able to control it?