Monday, April 16, 2007

Population growth vs Resource decrease

In the Earth, human demand resource. We use a lot kind resource to make our life better. We eating food, drinking water, use metals, and use oil, the population growth quickly, so there are more and more people need resource. But the problem is the resource is not growth as population, it reducing very quickly. As the article by JULI ANN WEBER wrote for New York Time. "reduce population" said poverty, hunger, water shortages, global warming, immune system breakdowns are overwhelmed the earth. More and more poeple demand goods, that will use a lot of resource, and let price goes up, but there are a capacity of the goods that people can produced, so we need limited population, if not the price will growth, but still have peole hunger.


Anna said...

I agree that there is possibly a population problem, especially when a lot of the population of the world lives in thrid world countries and in conditions where their needs are not being met.

However, maybe there is an alternative way to reaching that optimul point where resources are meeting demand and supply. Maybe there is a solution other than decrease the population.

There are certainly indicators that that level hasn't been met, that the damages aren't meeting the costs, either too much or too little of one... in this situation the poor state that so many people live in is an indicator that we are not at that optimul point.

JoshOffy said...

The idea of decreasing population has taken effect in other parts of the world. In china they have the planned birth policy which stats if you have more then one child in urban areas you have to pay a social compensation fee. This has also been called the One-child Policy. Most Americans would be totally opposed to such a thing because it would be imposing on ones rights to have children. However, it was very logical for China to put this into effect because of their massive over population. I agree that maximizing resources will help, but its pretty plan to see that if you stop making babies constantly the population would decrease and let our supply's recover. If you look at population in an economic point of view. It could get very ugly in the future. Basically because your demand will just get greater and greater, and i don't believe the world will be able to produce more and more supply's.

brianhahn said...

This problem is serious, but i cant see a way of stopping it. I dont ever see the U.S or other countries putting a limit on how many babies a family can have. We are going to have to come up with a solution.

Rob Phillips said...

Population is going to be a huge problem in the near future.. as it continues to grow exponentially and demand for resources rise as supply continues to diminish. at some point we are going to have to start limiting the number of children people can have or we will be out of options.