Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Careful about what you say online

With the recent blogger populatrity, companies have started to fire people that post subjects they do not agree with. People have been fired for using Dating services, bad mouthing their bosses and the company, and what they are working on. The argument for the companies that are firing these people is that these employees do not have contracts and if they say something that company does not believe in then they are allowed to fire them. Apple, the computer company, is trying to sue two online websites that have posted information about a new product that is coming out. In this article they state that they will not win this because of the first amendment but if you are working for them, then they could be fired and sued. Personaly I feel that people should not blog about how they hate their boss but I dont think someone should be fired for using a online dating service. For people that dont work for companies and post articles, then they are just acting with in the First amendment.

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