Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Poor Paris Hilton

Recently, film star, Paris Hilton's Sidekick II was hacked into, spilling numerous famous numbers into the public. Phone numbers from Christina Aguilera, Anna Kournikova, Ashlee Simpson, Fred Durst, Eminem, Usher, Avril Lavigne, Lil' John, Ashley Olsen and Vin Diesel all can be found on the internet ( This presents a troubling idea dealing with people listening in on my conversations and even getting ahold of my phone book. Marietta College student Ricky Sikina foundHiltons address book and the internet and decided to call Lil' John. Upon dialing the number, Sikina was heartbroken to find out that the numbers were disconnected. So my question is this, if you were able to talk to any of these stars, what would you say to them, and how awkward would the conversation be if say, Lil' John would have picked up that phone?

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