Sunday, February 11, 2007

War on Terrorism Tax?

Senator Joseph Lieberman suggested that a tax to fund the War on Terrorism must set in place in the near future. Because this is a costly war, it is draining the budgets of various sectors on Capitol Hill. The article, which was in the Finance section of Yahoo!, sums up the situation by leaving the reader with three things to consider when trying to decide whether or not this tax should be imposed upon the people of the United States. These include: 1. Yes, we are fighting a costly war, but the U.S. is also raking in a good amount of money. 2. This was suggested by Sen. Lieberman because it would keep domestic budgets from being cut in the future. 3. Is it fair to inact defecit spending in order to fund a war and pass the financial burden onto future generations? I believe that the current marginal cost of the war is not outweighing the marginal benefit, therefore we should end it immediately. Instead of continuing the fighting of a war that is considered very long term, let's get out and save the money.

1 comment:

Shawntae said...

I agree that that marginal costs are largely outweighing the benefits of this war. It is hard to see any progress being made in Irag,, or even what the common objective is at this point in time. These burdens should not be passed down onto future generations to deal with.