Sunday, February 27, 2005

Wal-Mart's Profits: Nearly $20,000 (Per Minute, That Is)

I love writing responses about Wal-Mart, because everyone loves that store. Wal-Mart makes 10.3 Billion a year in profits and they can not pay or give their employees more benefits? Every minute the super store makes profits of $19,583 which is three times more then the amount their leading competator Target makes. However the Target Corp. pays their employees better and have benefits they can afford. Congress is trying to get the company to pay for employee insurance, they are trying to fend off the legislation. Wal-Marts are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which rack up the profits but I still don't understand why they can not share the profits with the employees that make the company.

From my last post about Wal-Mart, a few of the responses from my entry was say how Wal-Mart employees get paid pretty well and how most of the employees are part time. I did more research and found an article from PBS which said on average the employees take home $250 a week. The salary for fulltime employees are $6 to $7.50 an hour and work 28-40 hours a week. The pay places the employees with families under the poverty line. Insurance is expensive as well. Employees have to pay 35 percent to have insurance with the company. Another reason why the prices are so low is where Wal-Mart gets most of there products. 85 percent of the items are made in third world sweatshops. So the next time you think that Wal-Mart is so great think again.

Here is a link to the PBS article

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