Sunday, February 27, 2005

Selling Pirated DVD's

As each day passes, another "pirater" is added to the list.

My question is, how bad is selling pirated DVD's. I am not talking about copies of DVD movies. But movies which were taped in a theater, either by an audience member, or a person who works in the theater. These DVD's are mostly fuzzy pixeled and the audio is sort of bad. As an avid movie downloader, there are plenty of scenes in which actual people get up in front of the screen and walk away- possibly to get popcorn or use the bathroom.

I beleive, movie piraters are helping the low- to middle class people out by selling a dvd, for say $5. This is up to $3 less than a single movie ticket, and not all hard working families have the money or time to go to a theater, buy $30 worth of $5 food, and watch a movie.

Possibly, the movie piraters are helping people realize how some movies, put out to be SO great, SUCK! For example, Cursed. Wow, that was a waste of my money! I thought it looked good, but no! Therefore, when my family, or my girlfriends family wants to see it, I can download the movie, and burnt it to watch.

How bad is it hurting the Movie Industry? I mean, we only hear the numbers..... bla bla bla pulled in $130 million from its first weekend......oh well, hate it or love it...

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