Monday, February 28, 2005

NHL Lockout

The NHL lockout has aroused many problems for economy, fans, players, and the league its self. Hockey has been around for how many years now, how can you just get rid of it all of a sudden. They have tried to rescue the season many times this year so far but they can not come to agreement primarily based upon salary caps and NHL's lack of economic standing in host communities (Hiltzik). Also many sponsors are loosing money in this lockout from what services they provide the arena's and teams. I believe that salary caps do play a huge role in sports. Some times i think other sports should take this into consideration. Like baseball. The New York Yankees salary caps are twice and even triple other major league teams which allow them to purchase the best players in the league. You do not see this as much in the NHL because most the players are just playing for the love the game and not for the money. I bet you there are people out there that couldnt name 5 people on the Tampa Bay Lightning when the won the Stanley Cup. I hope the NHL can come to some agreement soon and bring back a sport that is actually interesting to watch. What do you think about the Lock out? What do you think they could do to bring it back? Leave em

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