Sunday, October 30, 2005

New Rules, New NHL.......more money?

Sports fan or not, you probably know that the National Hockey league did not play last year. This was because of a lockout between the owners and the players. To sum up the past, players wanted more, owners wanted to give less. A good analogy to modern day America. Anyways, the main reason the owners did not want to give more money is because they were not making any. Crowds were down, and the game was boring. Boring games equals boring faces when the owners look at their wallets. So, the NHL made new rules. The players and owners compromised with the salary cap so that both were happy. Also they made new, uncomplicated, for lack of a better word, rules that would increase excitement. Scoring is up quite a bit already. Now, the NHL is a professional league in which competition is strict. My sole question for you is if you are the NHL commissioner is which do you want to do. Make your fans happy by increasing scoring, however not exactly giving players what they want? (consider the situations that could arise in the future...strike, another lockout) Or rather, do you make your employees happy, who technically, are the ones making the money for you?

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