Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Google and Sun want Office users

Microsoft, the once all powerful software company in the world is now starting to feel some competition from its competitors. Google and Sun Microsystems are teaming up to create the equivalent of Word processing and spread sheet, for free. This is could cause some huge problems for Microsoft since customers have to buy these products separatley. People are always looking for a free or cheaper version of the real McCoy. If this collaboration between Google and Sun Microsystems becomes a hit, Microsoft will have to come up with newer, cheaper ideas. How do you think Microsoft will handle this new competition? How much will it really affect them? Do they need to worry at all?

1 comment:

Kial Welsh said...

I don't believe that they're will be much of a change in microsofts revenue in that area, considering there are many people who are quite fond of word and the simplicity of it. Also i don't see many people flocking to buy this new program thats going to be free, because it is new and will have many problems at first. Just like all first time programs it will have many bugs and updates that will deter people from using it. I could see quite possibly down the road when they have a good solid program that many people will be downloading it, but who knows if by then if it'll still be free, only time will tell.