Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Music Sales

I have read an article recently in the USA Today that states that the music industry as a whole has decline in total profit. They have decreased from 13.2 billion in 2004 to 12.4 billion in 2005. The article also says that this is due to the increased use of computer software to download music. These include iTunes, Napster, Limewrie Pro, and other such programs that people choose to use instead of buying albums. While these computer based products continue to grow in revenue and gross profit, they are decreasing the profits of the music industry. My question is, do you feel that with the increased use in these programs, should music artists, who also suffer due to a lack of album sales, start getting a share of these profits made by the computer softwares? Also, do you think that the music industry will come up their own sort of programs for their own benefit, instead of letting these softwares make profits off of their artists?

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