Sunday, October 30, 2005

Leaky Stadiums Equal Leaky Economy

In this article the comparison is made between leaky baseball stadiums and leaky economies. When people give tax dollars to build a new stadium they don't expect leaks and cracks when it is built. Also, people probably don't think too heavily on the subject of the economy because of this new stadium that is being built. You see, by putting tax dollars into this source of entertainment they are just pulling dollars out of other entertainment industries such as movies, bowling, etc. People use the idea of increasing revenue for the city through this source of entertainment and benefitting the economy but don't weight the idea that their extra money is just coming out of the other entertainment industries. On the other hand, the new baseball stadium would be drawing money from out-of-towners. Not only would the baseball stadium increase the economic benefit for themselves, but it would also help out the hotel industry as well as the food vendors and restaurants. So, my question to you is, do you think that having a baseball team in your city would be a benefit to the economy? Would the outside revenue coming in outweigh the lost entertainment from locals who choose to go to a baseball game instead of going to a movie or going bowling?

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