A man in Wisconsin is fed up with all the "free-roaming" domestic cats that invade his property...so much so, that he is proposing that hunters be granted a small game license to hunt and kill the little critters. Apparently, the man is upset with cats that prey upon the wild birds that frequent his property.
"I get up in the morning and if there's new snow, there's cat tracks under my bird feeder...I look at them as an invasive species, plain and simple," Smith said.
Domesticated cats are generally treated as private property (pets) and not as common property (as wild game is treated). There are, however, numerous common property cats (read that as "homeless") that roam our neighborhoods and tend to breed even more such cats. What is the best approach at controlling the homeless cat population? Some argue that we should capture and spay (or neuter) the cats and then release them into the wild. Who's going to pay for this? Wouldn't it be better to do as the man above suggests and put a bounty on the heads of these cats?
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