Saturday, April 23, 2005

It’s a Mistake to Sell South Korea Short

“The economy in South Korea is growing at a 5% rate, a rate in which the U.S. or Japan can only dream of” says William Pesek Jr. With a decent growth rate, why is it that foreign investors are weary of investing in South Korea? After two years of falling in the economy of South Korea, investors may be somewhat apprehensive about investing their money into an uncertain market. But now it seems that South Korea is ready to be back at the top of the list of Asia’s most vibrant economies. In order to do this they will need to concentrate on issues such as job creation. South Korean needs to brainstorm on new knowledge-based industries to get the upper hand in the world economy. Also currently they are utilizing only half of their labor pool because of the lack of women in the workplace, which lowers the quality of job applicants and restrains the economies potential growth rate. What are your thoughts on the South Korean economy?

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