Saturday, April 23, 2005

Police Handcuff 5-Year-Old After Tantrum

A 5-year old student at Fairmount Park Elementary School in St. Petersburg, FL, is handcuffed by police officers after an extended tantrum.
A 5-year old threw a fit and did not want to clean up a mess that she had made inside of the classroom. Her teacher and assistant principal tried to calm the little girl down and get her to clean up the mess that she had made.
Eventually, the girl did start to clean up but refused to leave the classroom. This led to an outrage from the child, causing her to rip papers from the wall and refuse the request made by the assistant principal (to stay seated).
Shortly after, the police arrive, put the girl in hand cuffs and take her away.
What is your reaction to this? Do you think that this girl's actions needed police intervention?

1 comment:

Morgan K said...

If i was the parent of this 5 year old child and found out they were arrested, I would be outraged. This is ridiculous and should not have occured. A five year old does not have the brain capacity to make certain decisions, and in no way should be in a situation where hand cuffs are involved.