Wednesday, April 20, 2005

ebay Posts Higher Profits

After a very slow start in 2005, ebay has boosted its sales in an impressive manner. While the growth has been better than many Wall Street analysts expected, the company still has a long way to go before it proves the latests growth was not a short term occurence. Ebay faced a great deal of criticism when it implemented a price increase in seller fees, which angered many loyal customers, many of whom threatened to boycott the auction giant.

Ebay executives painted a bright future for the company. They point to expansive growth opportunities in international markets. While this may be true, many analysts still doubt ebay has much growth potential left.

In the coming months, it will be very interesting to see if ebay continues this unexpected growth spurt or if they drop back to less impressive numbers, as much of Wall Street expects. The future of the world's largest auction could be decided by the reveues of the next year or so.

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