Friday, March 09, 2007

Windows Vista or XP?

Microsoft launched a new operating system-- Microsoft Vista-- in 2007. Since the sales of PC is increased constantly, Microsoft expected that it is "embarking on a significant multiyear cycle that should drive accelerating revenues and even better earnings growth". What I am concerned is that which operating system consumer would choose, Vista of XP? Windows XP system has been a main and popular operating system since 2000. Windows Vista, as a substitute of XP, would absolutely decrease the sales of XP. Besides, it will push some consumer to update their operating system, which means to charge another $199. Also, Microsoft Vista brings along a large number of other related software used in XP system to be updating. Even though some of updates are free. Others might charge a lot. It's estimated that if a consumer spend one dollar on Vista system, he might spend 16 dollars on other related industry, including software and hardware. Moreover, for some of company and personal PC user, windows XP is enough for their daily use. Whether the consumer will choose Vista or still want to use XP is not clear. Therefore, whether Microsoft can "drive accelerating revenues" is still questionable.


JenWolfe said...

I would personally choose Microsoft Vista whenever it is made available to the public. I have chosen to do this because I believe that any update to the current system has to be a good one!

DL said...

I think vista is the way to go. With technology is increasing daily the XP version of windows will soon fall to the way side as did Windows 98 and previous versions. Obviously there is a demand for new technology ion operating systems, because this new version has been produces, therefor people will buy it.

Julie Southall said...

I personally would go with XP at the moment. Right now, when Vista is still so new, there are a lot of things that aren't yet compatible with it. I think that XP will eventually become the old way of doing things, just like all of the other old systems, but not overnight.

Stephanie Gelo said...

I think there will be a huge demand for the Vista program when it is available. Just like the newest Playstation that came out, all the hype about a new product gets people excited. I personally would not buy the program simply because Windows XP does a good job and it suites my current needs. However, just as Windows 95, 98, etc. went out soon after the latest model appeared on the market, XP will fall behind as well.