Wednesday, March 07, 2007

NBA in 3-D

The NBA is trying to to expand profits by showing games in movie theaters in 3-D. Arenas are sold out every night in 30 cities across the US. So the NBA has decided to show playoff & finals games in 3-D in movie theaters. By doing this, it doesnt only help the NBA but the movie theaters. It helps them in their ongoing struggle with the DVD & On Demand companies. This isnt the sport to try this. International soccer games have been shown like 3-D in movie theaters. I think this is a great way for more people to view these games & the 3-D gives a new way to experience an already wonderful attraction. Two totally different companies will both benefit from this consolidation.


Derek Thomas said...

Although, this is not the real deal for the NBA fans, i feel that it is a great idea not only for fans, but for the falling market in movie theaters. Movie theaters are really not being used to their full potential. This is from the internet and other various places where it is much cheaper to watch or steal movies. For the NBA, they are not coming out in profit, but I believe that it is a great way to show that you care about your fans and are trying to give back to the community. The only downfall is how to convince people to come from the comfort of their homes where is may be much cheaper to watch the games, and come and pay for a 3-D screen. If they can succeed in this, they help the revues for the movie theaters for at least a time being!

Chengkai Zhao said...

NBA games?? How many basketball are ready in the market?? I don't think this work as well.

Matt Sleyzak said...

I think this will benefit both companies very well. More people will want to watch the playoff games in 3D so they will go to the movie theaters and it will give the movie theaters an outrageous profit. So yes i agree with the article because i feel it is a benefit to both companies and mroe entertainment for everyone else!

Kyle Thauvette said...

While I can see movie theaters profitting from this, I just can't see the NBA turning much of profit. The theatres should do well because NBA will need to pay them to show the games and they'll make money from people comming to watch the games. I dont think that a lot of people will turn out though. It's just a gimmic to try and help the NBA make more money. Why would I want to drive somewhere to watch a game in "3D" whatever that means, as opposed to stayin at home and watching in in Hi-Def and not have to buy a ticket. Hi-Def is better than 3-D. I just dont think a lot of people will go.

krysten12 said...

If the NBA gets a cut of the profits made by ticket sales at the movie theatres, I think this is a very good deal. While watching the playoff and final games on the movie screen is not the same as seeing it live, it is better than watching it on your 27-inch television at home. There are many avid basketball fans who watch the playoff games religiously and would love to watch the games on a huge screen. However, many of these games-along with any other sport- involves alcohol and considering you cannot bring alcohol into a movie theatre, sales might not be as high as expected. This seems like a good theory and arenas are already sold out, but it will be a major experiment.

Greg said...

TR=his is a very good idea for the NBA and for movie theatres. I feel both make a profit and both of the companies attract more publicity. For the fans it will create something they have never had and something they despritaley need. It will create a source of entertainment and a source of income for both companies, so this NBA 3D I think is a very good profit and a very good source of entertainment.