Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Congrats 2007 Leaders

The corrected version of 2007 Green Leaders states that businesses such as Bank of America, Google, Inc., and Dell are making moves to promote a healthy environment - in economically friendly ways. By reducing packaging, as well as packaging cost, and reducing oil dependent use of energy, and building super efficient skyscrapers, these businesses are combining the pressures of moral suasion with practical economic benefit, increasing the total social pie. By reducing their own costs (savings in packaging, high energy bills, and overall energy use) these businesses are also reducing pressures on the environment. Although some of these investments may not pay off in the short-run, these companies are certain the long-run benefits will far outweigh the present cost. So, congratulations to the Green Leaders (named by Forward Management and Sierra Club Mutual Funds, complete with a nod at your own future investment opportunities), for making everyone a little bit happier.


Kimberly Nelson said...

With "Green" being such a popular way of promotoing a healthy environment, I think that companies that are using this will be better received by consumers. With reducing their own costs, companies will be able to produce more, with eco-friendly resources. As long as the long-run benefits outweigh the costs of what is going on now, being a Green Leader is a good thing to be.

BHowell said...

Today's society fears global warming and other negative impacts from our wasteful and harmful living patterns. The companies who propose solutions to these problems, even something as small as changing their packaging to be more eco-friendly, goes a long way in the minds of eco-friendly citizens. Those who can afford it would pay more money to see eco-friendly companies succeed, which is a great way for one company to step ahead of their competitors. In this case, producing eco-friendly packaging is cheaper for the companies so not only will they save money in packaging but they will also gain more business. It seems like a win win situation.

Rob Phillips said...

I think its great that big companies are starting to become more environmentally conscious.. Hopefully they can bring some of the others to follow thier example.

brianhahn said...

This is going to make alot of people happy. With these companis being big names hopefully more companys will tag along and follow in their steps.