Friday, December 01, 2006

Oprah's Giveaway's Have More Meaning This Year...

We've all seen the shows where Oprah seems to be the Santa of real life. She surprises her viewers, as well as guests with outrageous gifts with no expectation of returned favor. The most popular of these episodes was titled, "Oprah's Favorite Things". However, instead of just giving away gifts this year, Oprah presented her audience with $1,000 debit cards in a "Pay It Forward" and explained their assignment to spend the money on whatever charity they wished.
"I can honestly say that every gift I've ever given has brought at least as much happiness to me as it has to the person I've given it to," she said. "Thats the feeling I want to pass on to you."
Oprah's idea triggered ideas for holiday shoppers which put specific products/items on demand as well.
The goal is for audience members to give to others, and they were rewarded with a Sony DVD Handycam to record their charitable activites.
"You're going to open your hearts, you're going to be really creative, and you're going to spend it al at once on the one stranger or spend a dollar on every person. Imagine the love and kindness you can spread with $1,000." Oprah encouraged.
In my opinion, this is the best idea Oprah has had in some time. Many people have been debating as to whether her information/coverage was getting just a little bland. I think this is just enough to add a little excitement. Plus, the audience interaction, is quite the "feel good" activity, and I think that it is a great alteration made to her possibly most popular program aired from year to year.


Lyncee said...

I think this was a great idea. Christmas anymore is about whatever wants, rather than what you can give. We as a society get too caught up in asking for certain items and expecting to get them. We should, like Oprah suggested, focus more on what we can give to make other people's holiday a little better. Some families cannot afford Christmas. By making donations, you are allowing people to enjoy the holidays.

Stephanie Gelo said...

I also think Oprah's idea was good, at least the money is going to people who truly need it. I'm guessing Oprah wasn't entirely innocent in that she had to know the idea would boost ratings. However, the act was still kind and respectable.

SHANE B said...

I've seen the movie "Pay It Forward" and I was really touched by that movie. Her idea is so great and I couldn't agree more with it. I don't care what is her initial intetion as long as it can bring happiness to the folks.