Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ticket Prices On the Rise

Major League Basebll has raised the price of tickets 5.4 percent compared to the average ticket cost last year. Last year the MLB set a record in ticket sales. The rise in prices could be due to a lot of the stadiums reducing the number of seats available. Of course the seats to go are the upper deck "cheap seats". The big question here though is what will this average price increase due to baseball. With the MLB becoming less and less popular in a lot of americans' eyes, due to the whole steroids issue, will this just be another dagger into the MLB?


Claire Reintgen said...

I believe that rasing ticket prices will not have a large effect on ticket sales. I took a religion class last semester and we discussed for about a week the fact that Sports could be considered a religion in the United State. The reasoning behind this was the amount of importance people put on their favorite sports teams. This leads me to believe that even with an increase in price, all seats will remain filled in stadiums across the nation

Dock said...

I agree with the posts that believe ticket prices are inelastic. The steroid investigations have been going on for a while now and the fact that ticket sales hit an all time high last year is enough evidence that this issue has little bearing on attendance. America will continue to worship its pastime as long as the tickets are sold at market price. Baseball is most certainly a profit maximizing industry so whether it makes or loses money after this price increase, it will be making the most out of their resources.