Sunday, September 11, 2005

Honk Kong Disney

This Monday, in Hong Kong, China, Disney opens up a Magic Kingdom to the Chinese. The part is expected to bring a taste of America over to the Asian territory, while also providing a bit of Chinese Culture. Disney is far behind many other entertainment industries in that area of the world. The project is estimated to cost a total 4 billion for split evenly between Disney and the Chinese government. The park will open up thousands of economic oppurtunities for the Chinese, i.e. boost tourism, open up many job oppurtunities, and hopefully create a more friendly atmosphere for Hong Kong. While it will bring in many Chinese people themselves, only a third of the expected 6 million guests will be from China themselves. That means that almost 4 million guests will be from other countries, who before, never had the option of experiencing Disney in China before.
Now, my question for you is; During a time of perhaps "economic struggle," does Disney, who is already a billion dollar industry have an obligation to create better economic oppurtunity in our own country, before taking off in far, unfriendly rival countries? Take into consideration the 6 million estimated travelers who will be attending the Disney in Hong Kong where before they could have traveled to the U.S. Also consider the patriotic symbol Disney has been in our country for the past decades.

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