Sunday, September 11, 2005

Economics in Sports

This article talks about the opportunity cost for the Toronto Blue Jays. The Blue Jays had a chance to sign Jose Cruz for five million dollars. On the other hand they could have used this money to sign other players. The opportunity cost of signing Jose Cruz is the cost of sighing other players. As it turns out the Blue Jays signed six other players. The Blue Jays came out on top in this deal. They got six players for the price of one. Baseball players also have an opportunity cost that they have to look at every time they sign a contract. They have to think about whether or not it is worth them playing baseball and making money or doing something else that they love and making money for it. They also have to look at whether or not it is worth them exerting their bodies and possibly hurting themselves through the course of the season. This article allowed me to see that there is a lot of opportunity cost that is in baseball and in sports.

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