Sunday, September 11, 2005

Are we losing hope in our leader?

According to, President Bush's job approval has dipped below 40 percent for the first time in the AP-Ipsos poll, reflecting widespread doubts about his handling of gasoline prices and the response to Hurricane Katrina. Nearly 4 years ago, his approval was above 80%, but now the American public has seen everything negative with no positives to off-set them. The price of gas in some places is well over $3.00 a gallon, and now with Hurricane Katrina's impact, it has left a lot of people hopeless for the economy to go in the right direction.

With 70% of Americans disapproving the way he is handling the gas situation, and 52% of the people disapprove the way he is handling the Hurricane Katrina crisis, do we have any hope left for our economy in the George Bush era? How do you feel about the gas situation? How do you feel he is handling Katrina? What can he be doing different to better our nation?

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