Saturday, September 10, 2005

Americans Trading in Cities for Towns

There are many hassles in the daily life of someone who lives in a big city such as, riding the crammed subways everyday to work. You move to a big city to have career security and mobility. If you live in the city you have high mortgages to pay. Economics prove a good point when the compare the price of homes. For example if u live in Queens, N.Y. a home costs approximately $450,000 compared to a house in Des Moines, Iowa which costs an average of $170,130.
Smaller cities and towns are being advanced in technology. This advancement is making it possible for more and more employers be able to get out of the city and still retain their jobs. This makes it able to accommodate people to telecommute or at least half-telecommute. Do you think people will continue to move out of the city? Where would u rather live?

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